Quadruple Your Gourmet Journey
With our 4 Bags subscription, every week becomes an opportunity to savor a new gourmet jerky experience. For just $24.99 a month, unlock a curated selection of four different artisanal jerky bags, ensuring a delicious discovery with every week of the month.
Subscribe Now - $24.99 /Month
Why 4 Bags?
Weekly Surprise
Enjoy the anticipation of a new jerky flavor each week, perfect for regular indulgence or a weekly treat.
Curated Variety
Our selections are carefully chosen to offer you a broad taste of the best artisan jerky, free from MSG, preservatives, and artificial ingredients.
Ideal for Sharing or Savoring
Whether you're sharing with friends, family, or savoring each bag yourself, there's enough gourmet goodness to go around.
Step Up Your Jerky Game
The 4 Bags subscription is designed for those who can't get enough of high-quality jerky. It's about more than just snacking; it's about enjoying a diverse range of flavors crafted by the best artisanal producers.
Embrace the Weekly Delight
Make every week special with the 4 Bags subscription. If you're looking for variety, quality, and the excitement of new flavors delivered monthly, this is the perfect choice. Subscribe now to begin your weekly jerky adventure!
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